Why Most Fail To Make Money Online

Edition #47

Welcome to the 47th edition of Royalties on Demand - your guide to generating consistent income online.

View this newsletter online: https://royaltiesondemand.beehiiv.com/ 

Welcome to this week’s newsletter!

You will find:

The Best Research Tool For Amazon KDP
Why Most Fail To Make Money Online

Over the past few weeks, I've been immersed in testing new ideas and strategies for Amazon KDP, and I'm encouraged by many positive signs.

However, this focus has consumed a lot of my time, leading to limited updates; rest assured, more content on YouTube, Medium, and an upcoming course are in the works.

This week's newsletter will be brief, but I'm always available for any questions you might have.

The Best Research Tool For Amazon KDP

I’ve recently found a tool that’s saved me hours finding niches. It helped me earn over $7k royalties in March and I know it will impress you too. Check it out in the video below.

Why Most Fail To Make Money Online

Most people fail to make money online because of one crucial error which Kristen Walters explains in this article below.

Need Help?

At Royalties on Demand, I offer various services tailored to aspiring authors and self-publishers looking to make a mark in the industry.

  • You can find free templates designed to simplify the design process and enhance your books' visual appeal.

Once again, thank you for joining me on this exciting journey. Have an awesome week ahead and I look forward to catching up with you next week.

Next week we will have a big interview to look forward to!

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