How I Made $4494.24 Selling 10 Books Online In May

Edition #55

Welcome to the 55th edition of Royalties on Demand - your guide to generating consistent income online.

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Dealing With Failure
How I Made $4494.24 Selling 10 Books Online In May

Dealing With Failure

You’ve just created a book that you invested time, energy, and creativity into.

With high hopes and great expectations, you launch the book, ran ads, and waited eagerly for the sales to pour in.

You did get a few sales here and there, but it didn’t take off as anticipated.

This experience is a hard pill to swallow.

Failure has a way of staying in your mind, constantly reminding you of your disappointments and trying to stop you from starting again.

It’s a powerful force that halts many people from reaching for their hopes and dreams.

Maybe you’ve tried publishing a series of books, but none of them did well. Each attempt feels like another brick in the wall of your discouragement, and the thought of trying again becomes more and more daunting.

It's crucial to remember that failure is not the end of the road.

We all face failure in life, and it's natural to feel hurt.

Sometimes, you may need to acknowledge your feelings and take a step back before moving forward.

However, within that step-back period, it's important to evaluate your experiences.

Evaluate Your Experience

When dealing with an unsuccessful book, consider the following questions:

  • Did you validate the niche? Make sure there is a demand for the type of book you're writing.

  • Was there too much competition? Analyze the market to see if it's oversaturated.

  • Were there other successful books with low BSRs under the keyword? Check if other books are performing well in the same category.

  • Does your cover stand out? A compelling cover is crucial for attracting readers.

  • Have you used the correct backend keywords? Optimize your book's keywords to improve discoverability.

  • Are your ads targeting the right keywords, or is the cost per click too low?

These are questions you need to think over every time you have an unsuccessful book.

Seek Feedback

Don’t be afraid to seek feedback.

Many self-publishers go on this journey alone and wonder why they never get anywhere.

Joining groups (I will be creating a free facebook group soon), asking questions, and getting a mentor are ways to streamline your success and ensure your next book is more successful.

Constructive criticism from others can provide valuable insights that you might have overlooked.

Stay Persistent

Persistence is key.

Many successful authors faced numerous rejections before their books became bestsellers.

J.K. Rowling, for instance, faced rejection from 12 different publishers before Harry Potter was finally accepted.

The key is to keep going, developing, and improving with each book that you make.

You are far closer to success than you think.

Each setback is a learning opportunity.

Use the knowledge gained from your failures to fuel your journey forward.

Stay persistent and continually refine your approach, you will increase your chances of achieving your goals.

If you need any help or guidance, I have hundreds of Youtube videos and medium articles to help you on your journey. If you want a more personalised plan I have one-to-one training available at the end of the newsletter.

How I Made $4494.24 Selling 10 Books Online In May

Do you really need hundreds or thousands of books to succeed with Amazon KDP?

In the article below I look at the performance of my top 10 best-selling books for May.

Need Help?

At Royalties on Demand, I offer various services tailored to aspiring authors and self-publishers looking to make a mark in the industry.

Once again, thank you for joining me on this exciting journey. Have an awesome week ahead and I look forward to catching up with you next week.

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