She Made Over Six Figures With KDP

Edition #13

Welcome to the 13th edition of Royalties on Demand - your one-stop guide to generating consistent income online. I’m thrilled that you're joining me on this journey towards financial independence and creative entrepreneurship.

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In this week’s newsletter, you will find:

  • How Caring What Other People Thinks Holds You Back

  • She Made Over Six Figures With KDP

  • Niche Of The Week

  • Tool Of The Week

  • Content For The Week Ahead

  • Your First 100 Sales With Etsy Fast

How Caring What Other People Thinks Holds You Back

Success is elusive for many, and often, it's our own self-doubt that holds us back. While this may seem like a heavy realization, it's the starting point of my journey towards authentic confidence.

Why do we hold ourselves back? The biggest culprit is the fear of judgment. Those nagging thoughts— what will my friends, family, or colleagues think? The torrent of self-doubt intensifies when taking on bigger challenges, like starting a business. For every positive thought, it feels like a hundred negative ones barrage us. Our minds are indeed inundated; did you know the average human processes 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts daily?

Building self-confidence is a huge task. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to be overwhelmed by choices, information, and responsibilities. To navigate this, Dan Koe, an American podcaster, Youtuber and internet personality who has made over a million dollars from his creator business identified four pillars of self-confidence:

  1. Perspective - Understand that no one is truly special. We all have our issues, fears, and challenges, regardless of our social or financial standing. Adopting the perspective of others helps us realize that we're all fundamentally the same. Adopting this understanding means breaking out of your shell, stepping back, and seeing the bigger picture.

  2. Perception - How you perceive a situation directly affects your action. A tweet from a business owner could be an opportunity or just another post—how you perceive it makes all the difference. Furthermore, it's crucial to understand that our perceptions can often be clouded by our biases or past experiences. Overcome this by maintaining an open mind.

  3. Practice - Confidence comes from doing. Imagine a video game; you unlock new levels and skills by actively participating, not by merely knowing about them. The real world isn't different. The more you engage in a skill or activity, the better you become at it, leading to an organic growth in confidence.

  4. Authenticity - This means being true to yourself, even if it means going against the grain. When you're authentic, you're unapologetically yourself, and there's incredible confidence in that.

However, it's not just about learning; it's about application, reflection, and growth. Confidence must be nurtured as a skill.

Ultimately, Dan Koe discovered that the path to self-confidence intersects with entrepreneurship. Business challenges us to break our boundaries, to continuously grow and adapt. There are constant feedback loops in business, enabling us to refine and improve.

Starting a business might seem daunting, especially with concerns about the future clouding our vision. But the key is to stay grounded in the present and be curious. Begin with what you know, and expand from there.

For me, platforms like YouTube and Medium have been instrumental in building my business. Creating videos, writing articles, expressing ideas, and connecting with others is transformative. While starting out may be difficult remember that everyone begins somewhere.

In conclusion, business is more than just a means to make money. It's a journey of self-discovery, self-improvement, and ultimately, self-confidence. It's about embracing challenges, understanding oneself, and creating value in the world. So, embark on your journey, trust in your worth, and remember: every master was once a beginner.

Watch Dan Koe’s full video on the topic below.

My Products & Services

At Royalties on Demand, I offer an array of services tailored to aspiring authors and self-publishers looking to make a mark in the industry.

  • My one-to-one coaching sessions provide personalized guidance and mentorship, allowing you to navigate the challenges of publishing with ease and efficiency.

  • You can find free templates designed to simplify the design process and enhance your books' visual appeal.

  • For those looking to delve deeper into the world of AI Coloring Books, my comprehensive eBook is packed with insider tips, strategies, and step-by-step instructions to guide you towards success.

She Made Over Six Figures With KDP

This week, I had the pleasure to interview Natalie, an immensely successful author with Amazon KDP.

Natalie began her online entrepreneurship with the simple aim of supplementing her income. Her ventures took her through the unpredictable terrains of the online world before she struck gold with Amazon KDP. Natalie's impressive journey is not just about navigating the changing tides of the digital landscape but represents persistence, adaptability, and the pursuit of genuine passion.

As we dive deep into this engaging conversation, you'll uncover the strategies behind her six-figure success, the challenges she faced and overcame, her insights on the current landscape of Amazon KDP, and her advice to aspiring self-publishers.

1. Can you share your early journey with Amazon KDP? Why did you choose KDP as a side hustle?

Back in 2009, I started to look into ways I could make some extra money online. I started off entering competitions and sweepstakes and did pretty well.

Of course, I realised it wasn't a sustainable income source. My journey then led me into blogging and affiliate marketing, and eventually, I stumbled upon Amazon Merch & print-on-demand.

While blogging had its highs and lows, a major Google Update in 2018 slashed my traffic by half. I almost totally gave up on online business at that point. Around this time, I discovered Kelli Publish on YouTube discussing KDP and low-content books. The idea of passive income from having a catalogue of books online was intriguing to me and I saw the potential. After a year of contemplation and procrastination, I took the plunge and published my first book.

To my surprise, within a month, sales started trickling in. By December, just three months in, I made nearly $1000. It grew each month from then on.

2. You have been able to make over six figures with Amazon KDP, what are the main factors that contributed to your success?

I think several elements attributed to my success on KDP. My prior experience in niche and keyword research was important.

Early on, I identified a niche with minimal competition and capitalised on it, creating variations and exploring sub-niches. While being an early bird in a niche is advantageous, I've also found success in saturated niches later on. But that did involve Ads.

Initially, I didn't rely on ads at all, but as Amazon became more competitive, I knew that Ads would help me sustain what I had already built and additionally, help me to gain traction with new books.

In essence, I guess recognising a good niche opportunity early on, was pretty pivotal in my success on KDP. But also, simply not giving up over time. Because I was trying to make money online for many years before I found KDP.

If you keep persevering with whatever it is you want to achieve, eventually something will click. It just may not be the thing you initially thought!

3. You have published around 560 books with Amazon KDP, what types of books have you found success with and how long does it take you to complete a book?

Some of my best-sellers were surprisingly quick projects, taking only a few hours. My most successful books have been niche-specific journals and logbooks.

While I created lots of notebooks, they have made a minimal amount by comparison. The best-selling books overall, have been different types of journals with prompts essentially.

The time I invest varies widely. While some projects span weeks, others are completed in days. Recently, I ventured into coloring books using Midjourney. The first one of those took me a couple of months or something to finally publish.

It all depends on how much content the book has and how focused I am on KDP at that time!

4. Can you share your process for identifying and understanding your target audience? How do you ensure your content resonates with them?

I gravitate towards niches I personally resonate with or understand through experience. I believe it's this connection that tends to strike a chord with the audience.

Over time, by experimenting and publishing a variety of books, I've discovered certain cover styles and themes that seem to work well in general. I now adapt successful styles across multiple niches.

Whenever I’ve gone into niches that I don’t really resonate with or understand, I’ve rarely had success in that way. So, I generally stick to the things I have some connection to, or have an interest in.

There are exceptions.... For example; I have done plenty of joke-type gifts for all sorts of professions. But they’re generally pretty basic.

5. You made nearly $7k in your July income report and your ad spend was incredibly low spending roughly only 10% of this amount, do you believe authors need to run ads to succeed with KDP or is it possible to succeed with only organic sales?

While I began my KDP journey without ads, the landscape has evolved. Today, I advocate for advertising new books to gain initial traction.

My long-standing best-sellers maintain a strong organic presence, but advertising boosts their visibility.

In today's competitive market, especially in popular niches, advertising is becoming increasingly essential to stay afloat. However, there are always exceptions, and some books do well organically.

I couldn't say whether it's possible to succeed without Ads on KDP today. I would always recommend learning them anyway - it's going to benefit you in the long run.

6. What is the biggest challenge you have faced whilst publishing on Amazon KDP, and how did you overcome it?

One of the biggest challenges I faced was that I had to completely abandon one of my best-selling pen names. This was due to having a keyword in one of the names and whenever I tried to edit one of the books, I got an automated email essentially saying there was an issue with the author name.

Despite back-and-forths with KDP's customer service, (who actually told me it was a KDP error) the issue persisted. I chose to leave those books unedited. Navigating KDP's customer service can very difficult and I really hope this is something they improve.

I have had a few experiences like this with KDP so far and none of them are fun! This is just one reason why I don’t recommend KDP as your only income and that you should diversify in some way.

7. What advice do you have for aspiring self-publishers looking for success with Amazon KDP?

Stay authentic, do not just copy other publishers style. Focus on niches that genuinely interest or inspire you. Develop a unique style and diversify within a niche to gauge its full potential.

Avoid getting sidetracked by promoting your book outside of Amazon... I’ve never promoted my books on social media for example. While I’m sure this works very well for some people, I think others can waste a lot of time on it.

Lastly, direct research on Amazon is paramount. Don’t rely on tools alone for your niche and keyword research. Tools should only be supplementary.

8. Do you have any other successful side hustles?

Apart from KDP, I do make some money from affiliate marketing and running ads on my blog. My YouTube channel contributes a very tiny amount, I haven’t been publishing many videos and you do need to be consistent on there.

I also now have Etsy and Creative Fabrica stores, but they're presently in their infancy and I haven't been adding much to those recently! I would definitely like to create another full-time income stream, but KDP remains my primary hustle right now.

9. How do you balance your work with your personal life?

Balancing work and personal life remains a challenge. I sometimes find myself working constantly and find it hard to disconnect.

However, if I take too much time out with friends and family, it can really derail my routine too. I then find it difficult to be disciplined with work and get things done.

Finding a work-life balance is definitely still a work in progress. I'm no time management guru yet, that's for sure.

10. What are your future plans and goals for your publishing career on Amazon KDP?

I'm venturing into colouring books using Midjourney and exploring medium-content options in general. For example; children’s books.

After a long stint with low-content books, I'm keen to try something new. Growing up, I aspired to be an author. While I've taken a different path, I'm drawn to the idea of publishing books with more content in the future, (as opposed to low/medium content).

Thanks so much Danny, I’ve enjoyed reflecting on my journey and answering these questions for you today!

You can reach out to Natalie on these platforms below and she also has a free course on offer:

Niche of the Week- Vision Board Books

Vision board books have taken the world of self-improvement and visualization by storm. These tools are not just a mere collection of inspiring images but a powerful instrument that aids individuals in channeling their aspirations and dreams.

What is a Vision Board Book?

A vision board book physical and visual representation of an individual's goals, dreams, and aspirations. Rather than a single board, the book format offers a portable and more structured way to categorize and represent different facets of one's vision.

Each page or section of the book can be dedicated to a specific area of life, such as career, relationships, personal growth, or travel. Within these pages, you'll find images, quotes, and other visual cues that resonate with the user's aspirations in that domain.

Why Are Vision Board Books Useful?

  1. Portability: Unlike large boards, vision board books can be easily carried around, offering inspiration on-the-go.

  2. Structure: The book format offers a more organized approach. Users can dedicate specific pages or sections to different dreams or goals.

  3. Customization: Given that everyone's dreams and goals are unique, a vision board book allows for a deeply personal and tailored approach.

  4. Profitability: With Vision Board Books you can charge a much higher price with many of these books on Amazon being sold for over $20.

Researching Vision Board Books on Amazon

Before delving into creating your vision board book, it's beneficial to research existing books on Amazon.

  1. Identify Trends: Look for patterns in top-selling vision board books. What themes or niches are popular?

  2. Niche Down: Rather than creating a generic vision board book, consider focusing on specific demographics or themes. For instance, a vision board book for entrepreneurs, brides-to-be, or spiritual growth.

  3. Check Reviews: This can provide insight into what customers liked or felt was missing in existing books, allowing you to fill in the gaps with your product.

Creating Vision Board Books Using AI Tools

You can easily create any image using Midjourney. Instead of searching the internet for hours for the perfect image, you can provide a brief description to Midjourney, which will then produce a visualization of your description.

After all your images have been generated, make sure you upscale your images using Bigjpg (paid) or Upscayl (free) to improve the resolution. You should also use Tineye which is a reverse image research tool that checks if your images have been stolen or used anywhere else.

Finally you can use Canva or Book Bolt to put your vision board book together and ensure that it looks attract for your audience then upload your book to Amazon KDP.

If you would like a full tutorial video on creating a Vision Board book then let me know.

Tool Of The Week

Midjourney recently added an amazing new inpainting feature. This allows users to modify or add details to images easily. By using the "remix mode," users can highlight regions of an image and provide a prompt to change details, resulting in various image options generated by the tool.

Watch my tutorial below to see the inpainting feature in action.

Content for the week ahead

In the video below Natalie explains how she made over $140,000 from Amazon KDP.
Getting ready for Q4, Ken explains 3 Book Topics that you should be publishing in Q4.
Royalty Wizard explains an easy to choose KDP categories.

Your First 100 Sales With Etsy Fast

Etsy is an online marketplace that specializes in handmade, vintage, unique craft supplies. It allows artisans, crafters, and vintage sellers from around the world to open individual shops and list their items for sale.

Sandra Di is a freelance graphic designer that has built multiple successful Etsy shops and in this video she shows you how to make your first 100 sales fast.

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